Bay State Genealogy
- Lilly Cleveland, Genealogist.
- Boston University, BA, American History.
- Boston University, Certificate in Genealogy, Center for Professional Education, 2011.
- Pro Gen Study Groups, 2013.
- Member, Association of Professional Genealogists and New England Assoc Professional Genealogists. National Genealogist, Colonial Dames Boston Office.
- National Genealogist (former), Alden Kindred of America.
- Private clients. Please send me your genealogical question and I will send you a proposal & estimate.
- Lineage Society applicants - purchase your Certificates (births, marriages & deaths). There can be delays - don't wait, get started today. This is a requirement of all societies.
Bay State Genealogy
Lilly Cleveland, Genealogist
Rebuilding your lost family from the past.
Lineage society applications & projects.
Object research, museum collections.
Artwork and photos by Lilly Cleveland.